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Child Safe Standards

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Bourke and District Children's Services is a child-safe organisation, committed to ensuring and advocating for the safety and wellbeing of all children in our care. We embed the NSW Child Safe Standards into our philosophy, policies, procedures and practice to make our services even safer for children. At Bourke and District Children's Services we have zero tolerance for child abuse and harm and any allegations and safety concerns are treated seriously and acted upon.

What are the NSW Child Safe Standards?

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommended 10 child safe standards, drawing on its findings, research and consultation about what makes organisations child safe. ​ These standards come with core components to help organisations implement each standard. The standards provide a framework so organisations like ours can create cultures and adopt strategies to keep children safe from harm.

Please click here to read: 'A Guide to the Child Safe Standards'.

To find out more about what we are doing at Bourke and District Children's services to keep children safe, you can find links to our child-safe policies below:

Child Protection

Providing a Child Safe Environment

What to do if you suspect a child has been abused, neglected or is at significant risk of harm?

Anyone can call the Child Protection Helpline on 13 2111 (NSW).

The Helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The identity of all callers is kept confidential however, you also have the option to remain anonymous.​​​​​

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