Connected Beginnings Project
Connected Beginnings aims to support Aboriginal children in areas of high need, be well prepared for school by supporting pregnant mums, and children from birth to school age. Over time it is anticipated the program will contribute to reducing the difference in school readiness and education outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children.
The idea is to integrate early childhood, maternal and child health, and family support services with schools in a selected number of Aboriginal communities experiencing disadvantage.
Bourke has been identified as a community of high need and high levels of vulnerability.
The Connected Beginnings Program includes initiatives that will:
provide outreach and support so more Indigenous families get involved in early childhood services
bring early childhood and health services together so Indigenous families have a place in their community for these services
improve sharing of information, so families only have to tell their story once.
While Connected Beginnings is about improving outcomes for Indigenous children, non-Indigenous families will also benefit by being able to access the services that are available.
Connected Beginnings Project Director - Tanya Mitchell can be contacted by email: tmitchell@bdcs.org.au or mobile: 0408 151 177
Project Partners: